Privacy Updated At 2024/08/27
Here , you can read more about your personal data and how you share your data and how we use it to provide services to you!
How you send your data?
All given data will be used to provide services to you and hold them to authenticate you to your profe and your identification
There's two type of data you share with us :
Your account data : You share your 3rd party platform account you want to login and access to your Profe account as below explains : - Discord : You share ( your account id , your displayname , your email , your username , your profile picture & your email verification state ) - Twitch : You share ( your account id , your displayname , your email , your username & your profile picture ) - Google : You share ( your account id , your fullname , your email , your profile picture & your email verification state ) - Spotify : You share ( your account id , your displayname , your email & your profile picture )
Your Profe data : You share your social media links , donation links , music platforms links , games your play , your subscription camp ( where you place your subscriptions ) , your subscriptions with their name , benefits and non-benefits , price & link to subscription , your profe shop ( where your place your products ) , your products with their name , price & link to product
How we collect your data?
Each platform you choose to login and access to your Profe account , you will be redirected to that platform authentication login page to enter your account needed credentials , and after verification of your information by that platform, the information is checked and registered as your Profe account!
How we use your data?
Data we receive from you will be used for creating and managing Profes , sending gifts to you , manage your subscription!
How we secure your data?
Our first priority in privacy is protecting and securing your personal account data to prevent them being manipulated for scam or some unwanted reasons And we need your promise to reach and comply items written in How you can secure your data?
How you can secure your data?
As you know , your account data is important to be secured and protected in Profe , so you need to comply some works to increase protection of your account and your Profe!
NEVER share your profe id or your personal account id to anyone!
NEVER accept any request about ("copy and paste this section of code into your browser")
NEVER accept any request about ("free profe subscription or something like that")
Last updated